Influence Leadership Motivation and Performance of Employees at Bank Rakyat Indonesia Subang Branch Office


  • Deden Komar Priatna
  • Winna Roswinna


There are indications of low employees Bank Rakyat Indonesia Subang Branch Office which is relatively low, this is seen from the many complaints and lack of enthusiasm in carrying out their duties, which has an impact on service to the Customer . The low performance of employees is allegedly caused by the low work motivation that is owned is also thought to be caused by a leadership role that does not encourage officers to work well, this is seen from the creation of conditions that are less comfortable for employees in the work environment.

The purpose of this study is to describe leadership, work motivation , performance and test the influence of leadership and work motivation on employee performance. The method used is descriptive survey method and explanatory survey. The type of investigation in this study is causality. Unit of analysis of employees of Bank Rakyat Indonesia Subang Branch Office with the population as many as 35 employees. Time horizon in this study is cross sectional and the analytical method used is frequency distribution and path analysis .

Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be found that leadership is good enough, employees have work motivation and high performance, leadership and work motivation influence theperformance of employees at Bank Rakyat Indonesia Subang Branch Office . But if viewed partially, it turns out that dominant leadership influences performance rather than work motivation , therefore leadership is a priority in improving employee performance .

 Keywords: Leadership, Work Motivation, Performance





