Concept of E-Banking Approach as Per Bankers
In Today’s era, many of the banking activities are happening while one is sipping tea just at a tip of finger. Also we find ATMs are at our own doorstep. Banking services are accessible 24x7. We also find more plastic cards than currency notes in your wallet. This change is due to advent of IT. Banks today operate in a highly globalized, liberalized, privatized and a competitive environment. But there is one disadvantage in it that is security because financial institutions are going to deal with ultimately customers’ money. Especially regarding authentication and validation of customers’ access to internet banking is the major task of banking system. In this paper I have taken into consideration the opinions regarding internet banking from different levels of bank employees in different banks both public sector as well as private sector. When asked about E - Banking facilities provided by their respective banks, most of them have told that they provide ATM, Debit and credit cards, NEFT and also M Banking for this purpose. Most of the banks advertise their products their online as well as print media. In order to prepare their customers for E banking financial institutions use demo technique to make understand the concept more clearly. When asked about the challenges which banks are facing most of the respondents have told that customers demand for face to face interaction because they fear of security. Bank employees have also strongly agreed that internet banking is much faster than traditional banking. Regarding acceptance of the fact that ATM acting as a media for internet banking most of the bank employees agree that their customers demand for ATM which saves their time a lot and it is also easy to install the system for financial institutions.