Effect of Resources, Communication, and Bureaguratic Structure with Training and Achieviementas Mediated Variabel on Sports Organization in Indonesia


  • Suwarno


This study aims to examine the on Sports Organization In Indonesia, the influence of communication, resources, and disposition on the effect of scenario moderation. This study uses quantitative methods with data analysis using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the WarpPLS approach which is a powerful and simple analytical method. Training has a significant effect on achievement so that if the training is better, the achievement is also getting better. Facing practical interests, institutional arrangements are needed regarding simplification, provision of budgets that ensure ongoing training so that it has a positive impact on communication. This study refers to several previous studies, among others: Policy Theory (Edwards III, 1980), and is strengthened by the findings of Ratminto and Winarsih (2008), and Bloom & Menefee (2009), that communication, resources, and disposition influence the success of the energy subsidy policy. This study examines the moderating effects of renewable energy policy scenarios in the relationship between communication, resources, and disposition on the success of energy subsidy policies.





