Are Faculty Satisfied with their Job? – A Study Identifying the Influencing Factors


  • Dr.S. Priya Durga, Dr.D. David Winster Praveenraj


To study the impact of intrinsic, extrinsic & general satisfaction factors in determining the faculty job satisfaction and to examine the extent to which these dimensions of job satisfaction influencing the level of faculty job satisfaction among the two categories of faculty, labelled as Satisfiers and Dissatisfiers, a sample of six hundred and forty six full time faculty from thirty seven higher education institutions in India were surveyed. Result signifies that academics in India experience job satisfaction at the education institutions an important antecedent, which implies career growth opportunities, compensation and social status appear to be the significant determinants of Job satisfaction in which faculty were most satisfied, whereas dissatisfaction was exhibited for creativity/Independence, working environment and personal satisfaction. Furthermore, the study explores that presence of intrinsic factors will positively influence job satisfaction of satisfiers while absence of extrinsic factors cause strong dissatisfaction which explain dissatisfiers level of job satisfaction at the higher education institutions. Conversely, general satisfaction reveals significant relationship in explaining the level of job satisfaction of both satisfiers and dissatisfiers. The study also confirms that demographics were the predictors which explain variation in the degree of faculty job satisfaction





