Comparison of various Signal Conditioning Approaches in an IoT based Data Logger
This paper gives brief information about the various signal conditioning approaches that can be used in an IoT based Data Logger. The term signal processing refers to the manipulation of a signal in order to facilitate ease of processing of data in the further stages. The signal processing circuits proposed are used to improve versatility of the product. Generally, data loggers can record and process data only from a set of specific sensors. Using signal conditioning circuits can help expand the scope of sensor outputs that can be given as inputs to the data logger. Output voltages in the range 0-5V and 0-10V are stepped down so that they lie in the range 0-3.3V. The calculations and simulations for the conversion of 0-5V to 0-3.3V using the various approaches are depicted in the paper. A similar procedure can be used to step down 0-10V. After providing the description of said approaches, comparison of these three different signal conditioning circuits is performed and the most resourceful approach is chosen. Conditions with varied loads and varied input voltages have also been covered in this paper. Out of the three proposed approaches, the Buffered Voltage Divider is the ideal solution and has the maximum efficiency.