The Creative Personality Identity and its Relationship with Experience beyond the Mood among Kindergarten Teachers


  • Prof. Dr. Iman A. Al-Khafaf, Samaher H. Al-Shimary


    The current research aimed atidentifying the creative personality identity and its relationship with experience beyond the moodamong kindergarten teachers.The study in the descriptive and analytical method of this research relied on two tools, namely the measure of the creative personality and the measure of experience beyond mood.

As such, the researcher Al-Libawi, (2010) has adopted the measure of the creative personality identity and as to achieve its validity and reliability, she presented the measurement for specialized experts and instructors in   education and psychology, 80% agreement was adopted on its paragraphs to be considered acceptable in the scale, and in the light of the opinions of the arbitrators, all paragraphs of the scale were retained, which are (27) paragraphs, with some modifications that occurred in the linguistic formulation and interpretation of the meaning. As for stability, it was extracted by the retest method that reached (0.79), and in a way of internal consistency Fakronbach (0.85).

   By means of the metric of experience beyond mood, the study adopted the Salovey and et al. (1995) scale and the study translated the scale from English to Arabic, and the scale consists of 48 paragraphs distributed in three areas (Attention to feeling, clarity of feeling, Mood Repair). Validity and reliability were verified through the following procedures: Extraction of honesty by the method of apparent honesty and sincerity of the building. As for stability, it was extracted in a re-test method and reached (0.804) and the Fakronbach coefficient (0.921), and the scale is in its final form of (48) paragraphs applied to a sample consisting of ( 100) kindergarten teachers in the directorate of The General Authority of the First Educational Rusafa was randomly chosen for the academic year (2019/202).

 When treating the study data statistically using the Pearson correlation coefficient, T-test for two independent samples, Vakronbach equation, Standard error equation, T-test for one sample. The results revealed that the study sample members had a creative personal identity. She also had experience beyond mood and that there was a correlation between creative personal identity and experience beyond mood, and the current research came out with a number of conclusions, recommendations and proposals.





