Image Steganography for Hiding Text for Secure Data Transmission


  • M. Meghana Chowdary , P.Radhika,Sk.Reshmi Khadherbhi, G.Vidya Lakshmi


Steganography is a system for the safe transmission of information over the system. Right now, mystery data is transmitted by concealing this behind a sign or picture or video. Picture stenography is another methodology which uses a picture for the protected transmission of information by concealing it behind a spread picture. Data security is a basic factor while transmitting mystery data between two elements. The strategies utilized for this reason for existing are Steganography and cryptography. Despite the fact that Cryptography scrambles the data, it unveils its reality. Steganography conceals the presence of the mystery data. In Steganography the mystery message to be imparted is inserted inside a bearer, consequently it is escaped the vindictive clients. Information is one of the most pertinent and significant term from the old Greek age to present day science and business. The measure of information and utilization of information change for hierarchical work is expanding. Thus, for security and to maintain a strategic distance from information misfortune and unapproved access of information we have structured a picture Steganographic calculation executing both Cryptography and Steganography. This calculation forced a figure message inside a spread picture to cover the presence of the figure content and the stego-picture is moved from sender to planned recipient by conjuring a dispersed association among them to accomplish the information realness.





