Opportunities and Challenges in Promoting Business through Social Networking Sites
Social media development can absolutely be used as a tool for raising brand awareness, raising the target consumer/customer-base, Support to market analysis, creating leads, and developing loyalty. Many studies have found that people tend to trust and believe more on user-generated messages, such as peer recommendations, reviews, or other social forums media than on messages from the marketers using traditional media channels (Christina and Kristine, 2010). Social networking sites provide such platforms to the consumers, in order to trace those expected referrals and recommendations that would further assist them in the buying process.This study would be help tounderstand out the occasion and confront the marketer’sfrom side to side social communication sites and support in making detailedsuggestions to determineefficient marketing approach. The research is aim to find out the outline of stakeholders of social networking position and to analyze the tendency and change in the marketing condition from conventional marketing to online marketing and to identify the prospect available to the marketers in promotion through social networking position. The current study is also undertaken to analyze the tendency and change in the marketing condition from conventional marketing to online marketing. After thatexamination of the data, the study has attempted to identify the findings based upon the marketing conditions and also given some specific suggestions s for the marketers.The overall conclusions of the study are based on literature studied and analysis of data.The conclusion that can be drawn from this table is that in respect of statements with highest mean and lowest coefficient of variation, the opinions of respondents express a stronger level of agreement as well as uniformity.The feedback from the customers should be readily accepted and there should be quick response to the same otherwise the electronic word of mouth may be harmful to the marketers.