Digital Evaluation and Outcomes: Effect of Interactive Evaluation tools on Learning Outcomes


  • Preetha Menon, Ramakrishnan Raman


Examinations cause a huge amount of worry in students. Although the purpose of examination is to gauge a student’s knowledge in a subject area, just the mere thought of an examination causes frustration and stress. Contrarily, when students play a mobile game on a network, to prove their ability of expertise in that game, they are thrilled and excited. One key aspect of the experience of gaming in today’s time is its interactivity. Players from different locations log on to the same game and compete against each other in real time. This adds to the excitement of playing a game and each gamer looks forward to meeting their competitors online when they play these games. In this research paper, the authors have addressed the motivation and cognition based challenges associated with taking an exam, and propose a technology based examination tool that can make examinations fun filled and exciting. This research paper uses the cognitive learning framework called ICAP (Interactive, Constructive, Active, Passive). The research concludes that students feel enthusiastic about answering an exam, a phenomenon which is similar to that the one that they experience while playing a game, when the interaction level is increased and the scenario of gamification is introduced.





