Collaborative Governance in Corruption Prevention in Central Java: A Conceptual Framework


  • Ria Karlina Lubis, Nike Mutiara Fauziah, Sujatmiko


Increasing the Anti-Corruption Behavior Index (IPAK) is one of the priority targets of the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) to increase the nation's competitiveness. Corruption Eradication is based on optimizing the National Integrity System (SIN) with a main focus on integrated prevention. The field of prevention did not get the attention of the public and the media widely when compared with the prosecution. The data shows the results of the implementation of corruption prevention actions in the first semester of 2019 there were 8 provinces received low results in preventing corruption. One of the eight provinces is Central Java Province (49%). What is the corruption prevention strategy in Central Java Province? This paper aims to formulate a conceptual framework in the form of Collaborative Governance. The synthesis of literature and the analysis of the tasks and functions of the actors involved is the starting point for discussion in this paper so that it can ultimately produce a conceptual framework for the Central Java Provincial Government





