Energy Management using Li-Ion Battery for Solar and Savonius Rotor Hybrid Energy System


  • S. Suganya, G. Balaji, R. Ajith Kumar, S. Dinakaran, N. Jayasurya, K. Mageswaran


The demand for oil concentrated the supply of stable fuels which was uncovered by a petroleum crisis. Improvement of healthier sources of elective energy is renewable and has negligible ecological impact. The alternate fuels, the hybrid system's electrical energy is generally considered a more valuable renewable energy source because it is clean, plentiful and dispersed across the globe. Given the individualities of atmospheric reflection and absorption of photons, it is estimated that the event of solar radiation on the Earth's atmosphere is ten thousand times higher than the world's energy consumption. Reducing carbon dioxide emissions is a major benefit of the hybrid system. These approaches are accurate, fast and effective. Because of its benefits, such as the absence of fuel costs, low maintenance requirements and environmental friendliness, the hybrid system has become increasingly important as a renewable source. Such methods differ in complexity, mandatory sensors, combining speed, cost and performance rate. Hybrid Systems has the most capacity to meet our demands for electricity. Solar energy occurs during the day, but periods of solar irradiation differ due to the strength of the sun and the irregular shades produced by clouds, birds, plants, etc. Similarly, wind energy is capable of providing substantial electricity. Yet, its appearance is somewhat unpredictable, because one moment it may be here and in another it has gone in. The common inherent drawback of the hybrid system is the erratic natures which render it unreliable. This system requires the suppliers to supply the charge individually or automatically, depending on the efficiency of the sources of electricity. The integrated device energy analyzes are made for Li-ion batteries.





