DNA Based Security System Based On DNA ASCII Table Using 16x16 Keymatrix


  • Ravindra Ponugumati, P.Bharathi Devi


In the present internet age, the number of threats is increased with the advancements in technology and also massive usage of the internet. It is the responsibility of the provider to give security to the information whether it is in a cloud or whether it is in storage media that was transmitted through a network. It is also important to observe whether the provider gives the authenticity of the information to the client or not. To overcome this problem, there is a need for encrypting the information before transmitting or storing it. In the browser itself, if we encrypt the data and then transmitted through the network results in better security. To achieve this, DNA Cryptography plays a prominent role in providing end-to-end security to the information which is in the form of DNA Strands while transmitting data through the network. Cryptography with the help of DNA creates confusion for the attacker. In this paper, the authors proposed a novel algorithm that is based on DNA ASCII, conversion of DNA bases based on the key matrix of size 16x16 with hexadecimal values and also applied XOR function with the randomly generated key matrix. By observing the results, the proposed model has taken more time when compared to the existing algorithm because of increasing the number of levels to enhance the security.





