Wearable Banknote Value Audio Interpreter Smart Glass for the Visually Impaired using Natural Language Processing


  • Pruthvi S K, Punith B G, Shilpa N R, P Varnesh


Knowing and understanding the value of a banknote in the real-world, to resolve the problems faced by the blind population of the nation, this is an approach to provide a simple yet innovative solution for them using the latest technology. This solution provides results to know the denomination of real currency notes present in front of the visually impaired or completely blind in audio format which is the best way of interpretation to the visually impaired. The solution is aimed at building a smartphone application that can visually detect, internally analyze using sophisticated algorithms and interpret the results through auditory perception. Since efficiency is always the main objective of any project the idea of implementing the solution in a product like blacked out spectacles that is used by almost 99% of the visually impaired population is also taken care of by using the latest technologies.

 Keywords: Internet Of Things(IOT), OpenCV, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, pyTTS, Application Development, TensorFlow, Keras





