The Effect of Inquiry-based Learning (IBL) and Project-based (PjBL) on the Development of the Critical Thinking Disposition (CTD) of Prospective Teachers of Electronic Engineering Education at Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia


  • Wisnu Djatmiko, Suyitno Muslim, Suyono


Learning strategies are considered to have a facilitative effect or hinder the development of students' CTD. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of IBL and PjBL on students' CTD development.  84-students study five electronic materials which are grouped using simple random sampling for each learning strategy. The pretest-posttest experimental design and paired sample and independent sample t-test were used to validate the effectiveness of each learning strategy.   CTD instruments derived from California Critical Thinking Disposition (CCTD) are used to measure students' CTD data obtained at the end of each lesson. The results showed that the CTD of prospective teachers of electronic engineering education increased in the IBL and PjBL groups. In the IBL group (N = 42) the average value of students' CTD increased significantly (alpha = 0.05) from 163.24 (pretest) to 174.81 (posttest) with t-Statistic = 14.53 > t-Critical one-tailed = 1.68 with N-gain = 0.31.  In the PjBL group (N = 42) the average value of students' CTD also increased from 162.52 to 168.38 with t-Statistic = 15.52 > t-Critical one-tailed = 1.68 with N-gain = 0.16.

Keywords: inquiry-based learning, project-based learning, development of critical thinking disposition, effect of learning strategies.





