Women Empowerment in Ponorogo Regency with Si Kribo (Kripik Bothe)


  • Umi Farida
  • Titi Rapini
  • Arif Hartono


Purpose of the study: This study aims to comprehensively understand the entrepreneurial development of women who do not work in Ponorogo in order to improve family life standards. As well as the necessary guidance. The scope of research is in Ponorogo Regency, where the Small and Medium Enterprises are women. The virtue of this research is to open jobs in the form of Kripik Bothe's home industry given the large number of raw materials that have not been utilized optimally

Methodology: The necessary data is primary data and secondary data. This study uses a quantitative approach that is supported by qualitative data collected by interviewing the object under study

Main Findings: The results showed that the barriers of MSME (Micro Small Medium Enterpise) are the limited experience and processing ability so Kripik Bothe (Bothe Chips) were less attractive to the market





