The Indonesia Public Information Disclosure Act (UU-KIP): An Effective Policy for Anti-Corruption?


  • Anne Friday Safaria
  • Mia Rosmiati
  • Arip Rahman Sudrajat
  • Ijang Faisal


The Act No.14/2008 (UU KIP) of Information Public Disclosure is one of the regulations that can be regarded as the primary instrument to prevent corruption since it is mandated to enforce the necessity of public information disclosure in actualizing transparency and accountability in Public Administration. This article is a descriptive policy analysis oriented to evaluating the impact and benefits of the policy after it has been implemented (ex post analysis), with the before-and-after comparison approach. This preliminary research tries to investigate this policy for the purpose of ascertaining whether this policy is successful in meeting its objective (effective) in reducing corruption crime after its implementation. This study reveals that generally there has been a tendency of increasing number of criminal acts of corruption after the implementation of the UU-KIP/FoI Law in 2010, although there has been a downward trend in the number of corruption crimes in government agencies from 2018 to 2019.  In fact, the increase in the number of corruption crimes is directly proportional to the increase in the number of informative/transparent public agencies.





