Implementation of Cloud Based Professional Employee Query System: using Firestore Cloud Functions


  • P. Dastagiraiah
  • SP. Chokkalingam
  • N. Deepa


Implentaion of cloud based query gives methodologies used to develop a system which provides the good environment, platform [1] for professionals to communicate and discuss their technical problems within their industry people with good security. It highlights questions and replies on neighborhood organization extend in PC programming. The primary objective of this undertaking is to give an increasingly open option in contrast to prior inquiry and answer in stage, for example, specialized issues and programming issues. The fills in as a stage for representatives to ask and answer inquiries, and, through enrollment and dynamic cooperation, to cast a ballot questions and replies up or down and alter questions and replies in a manner like a wiki [4] or Reddit. Clients of this venture can win notoriety focuses and "compensates". Implentation needs a Fdb (database) setup for the back end side with njs, expr, Cf and other things for back end. And next Mui, Rjs, Re are required for the front end development.
This will resolve the many problems involved in the small scale IT industries.





