An Efficient Mechanism to Enable Data and Ver-ification Integrity in Cloud


  • K. Reema
  • Hridya Venugopal


There are many techniques in nowadays for securing the data, there are many issues in preserving the data one of the main issue is data integrity. In this paper we propose the block chain technology, the key idea is to require auditors to record and approve every transaction. The user has to generate the key it should be approved by the auditor and generate the key then the file will be uploaded. The transactions on block chain are time sensitive and all the transactions are recorded into the block chain, and it checks the auditors and performs the verification within the time, we use AES algorithm in this paper for both encryption and decryption of data and for securing the data. Public verification technique is useful for verifying the data integrity and securing the data against the procrastinating auditors, they do not perform the verifications in time.





