Intrusion Detection USINGC-AES (Complimented Advanced Encryption Standard) Algorithm


  • Prerit Kaliraman
  • Rohit ‎
  • Renuka Devi P


An intrusion detection system monitors a network and detects any conduct out of the example or any sort of unapproved access in the system. It is a system danger counteraction innovation observing system traffic stream and recognizes weak areas in a framework. The work of these systems is to observe the network traffic and report any deviation from regular traffic flow. The anomalies or deviation are based on the pattern or a model used for identification or classification of an intrusion. The objective of the project is to create an intrusion detection system that monitors a network and detects any behaviour out of pattern or any unauthorized access in the network. People do spend a lot of time on the internet indulging themselves in some kind of activities usually with less secured networks or networks that can be easily penetrated. The purpose for this project has arisen due to the number of attacks on host, network systems such as the WannaCry Ransom ware and lack of their adaptability to new types of system attacks. It is a network threat prevention technology monitoring network traffic flow and detects vulnerable points in a system. An ID is classified on the basis of the location it is put in. The work of these systems is to observe the network traffic and report any deviation from regular traffic flow. The anomalies or deviation are based on the pattern or a model used for identification or classification of an intrusion.





