RSSI Centered Zigbee Self Governing Monitory Software for Prisoners


  • Matta Sravan Kumar
  • A.M.J. Muthukumaran
  • Vudayagiri Dhruv


There are many lawbreakers in the world; Jail is the place where all the lawbreakers are put behind the bars. There are many chances in prison that prisoners can escape from the prison. There are many technologies accessible in and around the globe, none of the things assists with diminishing the odds of getting away from the jail, so we made a framework to shield the detainees from getting away from prison because prison safety is also the public safety in the world. We used the RSSI (Received Signal Strength Identification) method to protect the prison. Basically, in a network the distance between a pair of nodes is estimated from the Received Signal Strength Identification (RSSI). We therefore used that same approach to measure the gap from the criminal to the control tower in real time. Once prisoners try to cross the boundary of the prison it gives the alert to control room and gives shock through nerve stimulator.





