A Review on Therapeutic Effects of Meditation Using EEG Signals


  • S. Divyapriya


Brain oscillatory activity is associated with different cognitive processes and plays a critical role in meditation. It is defined as the natural process of manipulating one’s state of mind and self-regulating attention level intentionally.  In this review, we have reviewed three different meditation techniques using EEG signals and also therapeutic effects of the meditation. EEG is the best diagnostic tool to provide significant information about brain activities and temporal dynamics related to these activities within millisecond range. EEG brainwave signals can help medical practitioners to check the activity level of brain and based on the health state, different meditation practices can be applied to progress mental fitness. From the review, it can be concluded these three different practices included different unique way of attaining focus and object-subject relations and with different degree of attention and with different rate of improvement in the cognitive and emotional states. Numerous researches have been carried out to scientifically explore the underlying brain neuro electrical effects during meditation but still neuro physiological effect of meditation is an open question.





