Stress Measurement Study on School Teachers in Delhi


  • Smita Mishra
  • Tanvi Gupta
  • Akshita Jain
  • J. K. Batra


Stress is a state of discomfort experienced by everyone these days. Teaching is not the most convenient option available to females anymore as a way to attain work life balance. It has been observed that teachers nowadays suffer extreme stress due to the excessive increase in the job requirements in comparison to the capabilities or resources available. This study is being conducted to examine the stress levels for the teachers in schools in south Delhi.It is a descriptive research and is based on primary data. The sample consists of 338 female teachers who were selected based on convenience sampling. Data has been collected through a standardized questionnaire on ‘Stress Management’ that was proposed by the ‘International Stress Management Association’, UK. It consists of dichotomous statements with yes/no responses and the summated score aim at reflecting the stress levels of the teachers in the selected schools. This study has great relevance as it aims to study the relationship between the demographical variables, namely, age, marital status, qualifications, income and experience with the stress experienced by the teachers. It also aimed at identifying the different categories based on demographics that suffered different levels of stress. The hypothesis testing for this study has been done using contingency tables and chi-square test and level of significance has been taken at 5%. Further, the study identified the segments based on the demographics in terms of low, high and medium level of stress faced. Resource limitation as an unavoidable limitation exists for this research. This study provides recommendations for stress management and adds value to the existing literature in the area of stress studies on teachers.





