Hypothetical Studies for Devising a Real Time Expert Control System towards Process Automation


  • Chrystella Jacob
  • Sasipraba T
  • Lilly Mercy J


Real-time domain presents a novel and demanding environment for the application of knowledge-based techniques to find a suitable solution. Real-time systems encompass multiple goals and factors that contribute to decision making and in this context a knowledge based expert system finds application for process control in real time. A real time system should be predictably fast enough adhering to strict time limit within which the system need to respond, regardless of the algorithm employed.
This paper focuses on the constraints and criteria’s in generating Real Time Expert Control Systems (RTECS) for a process control. The proposed system shall suit dynamic and changing environment, acquire sensor data, interface to external events, recognize and compensate for missing or uncertain data, handle scheduled or asynchronous events based on priority within the guaranteed response time along with reasoning about past, present, and future events.
The mathematical approaches for classification, characterization and mathematical modelling are discussed. Also a survey of few existing expert systems used in similar application and standard tools for real time system development are summarized





