Material Transfer Agreement as an Attempt to Protect Genetic Resources and Intellectual Property to Actualize Indonesian Welfare


  • Nanda Dwi Rizkia
  • An An Chandrawulan
  • Isis Ikhwansyah
  • Agus Darmawan


This research will analyze the legal protection of genetic resources and intellectual property to realize economic development in Indonesia. The approach used is normative law, to find the rule of law, legal principles, and legal doctrines in answering the legal issues at hand. By entering into a transfer agreement or a Material Transfer Agreement (MTA), on genetic resources and intellectual property. Indonesia's genetic resources need to be managed and utilized as well as being preserved and protected for the welfare of the people. The material transfer agreement aims to protect the material and ensure that research, development and application of technology related to the material does not cause harm to society and the environment. In addition, another goal is to encourage the use of materials to improve national competitiveness and public welfare





