Employee Goal Setting an Examination on the Influence of Organizational Immersion - Focusing on Organizational Confidence Mediation Effect


  • Sang Choo Lee
  • Sang Bong Kim


Background/Objectives:This study is an empirically defined analysis of the effect of setting goals for small business members on organizational immersion and the intermediation effect on organizational confidence.

 Methods/Statistical analysis:The study surveyed 220 employees of small and medium-sized enterprises. 9 questionnaires were removed and 211 questionnaires were conducted. The questionnaire was composed of 16 questions, including 5 questions about demographics (sexuality, educational background, age, official responsibilities, number of years of service). Measurements were made using the Likert5 point scale. Statistical analysis was conducted using the SPSS22 program as an empirical analysis. Basic statistical analysis, factors analysis, reliability analysis, regression analysis, and effects analysis were performed.

 Findings:Model was analyzed using SPSS22.  The results of the verification of the basic hypothesis and the goal setting are meaningful to the organization's immersion. The resulting value was found to have a significant effect on the t= 9.487 and (p-value is less than 0.05 p-value to the greater than ±1.96 and significant probability p =.000). Regression model shows the F value of p =.000 to 90.009, showing a descriptive force of 30.1% to the regression R² =.301. The goal setting is t = 6.392 in the organization trust and (greater than ±1.96 and significant probability p = .000 p-value is less than 0.05) was found to have a significant effect. Regression model shows an explanatory force of 16.4% F value is p=.000 to 40.854 and R²=.164 for the regression. Organization trust is t = 16.977 with respect to the organization immersion (greater than ±1.96 and significant probability p=.000 p-value is less than 0.05) was found to have a significant effect. Regression model shows a descriptive force of 15.7% because the F value is a value of 38.819 at p=.000 and R²=.157 for the.  In other words, setting a goal has a definition (+) effect on organizational trust and organizational immersion. Also, organizational trust has a definition (+) effect on organizational immersion. In addition, it can be seen that the organization trust is statistically significant as p<0.05 in goal setting and organization immersion. Therefore, it was found that there is a mediated effect.In other words, the organizationtrusthas a mediated effectin the elementsofgoalsetting and organizationimmersion.

 Improvements/Applications:It is meaningful that individual employees' goals should be based on and that organizational trust should be mediated in order for employees to become involved in the organization. Active research is needed on methodologies for organizational immersion and organizational citizen behavior.

 Keywords: Goal composition, Goal difficulty, Goal measurable, Organization trust, Organizationimmersion.





