Study on Biomass Power Generation Technologies in Asia


  • Merin Antony
  • Shanthi ‎
  • D. Kirubakaran


Any organic matter that has been derived from plants due to photosynthetic process is scientifically termed as Biomass. The word biomass is likewise used to signify the itemsgotten from living beings such as wood from trees, collected grasses, plant parts, and deposits, for example, stems and leaves, and additionally water plants. The strong biomass processing systems may likewise produce heat and electric power. As more proficient bioenergy innovations are created, non-renewable energy source inputs will be decreased; biomass and its resultscan likewise be utilized as hotspots for fuelling numerous energy needs. The energy estimation of biomassfrom plant matter initially originates from sun orientedenergythrough the procedure known as photosynthesis. In nature, all biomassat last breaks down to its rudimentaryparticles with the arrival of warmth. Amidtransformation procedures, for example, burning,biomass discharges its energy, regularly in the frameof warmth, and the carbon is re-oxidized to carbon dioxide to supplant what was retainedwhile the plant was developing. Basically theutilization of biomass for energy is the inversion of photosynthesis.





