Realization of Sustainable Tourism Development Through the Potential of Agropolitan and Minapolitan Commodities in Central Bangka District


  • Devi Valeriani
  • Dian Prihardini Wibawa
  • Herry Marta Saputra


Central Bangka has set agropolitan tourism area with a goal to realize the agropolitan region and development of the local economy based on regional superior products such as food crops, horticulture and plantations. In 2010, Central Bangka was one of the districts which was set by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries as a minapolitan area. The potential of agriculture, marine and fisheries in Central Bangka is large, and needs to be supported by various policies, programs and development activities in the marine and fisheries sector in order to support and realize community independence. This study uses the Location Quotient (LQ) approach to determine the potential of agropolitan and minopolitan as a supporter of the tourism sector. In addition to using secondary data, this study also uses primary data in a qualitative description. The findings in this study, some 66 percent of food commodities, 44 percent of fruit commodities, 40 percent of vegetable commodities and 75 percent of plantation commodities can meet the needs of the tourism sector in Central Bangka Regency. As for the minapolitan potential, both capture fisheries and aquaculture have both been able to meet the needs of the tourism sector, but capture fisheries are more dominant than aquaculture.





