Improving the School Quality through Winning Education Turbulence in Uzbekistan

(Evidence from the Ministry of Secondary Education Uzbekistan, Gijduvan Region 65 schools)


  • Aziz Zikriyoev
  • Sokhibmalik Khomidov
  • Ravshan Nurimbetov
  • Tokhir Khasanov
  • Umidjon Pardaev


This research discussescurrent status of secondary education quality and prospective development outcomes from the testable research area in 65 school quality parameters of Gijduvan district Bukhara region in Uzbekistan.The authors try to discover the problem in which relating improvement of education system at schools far from the capital. By sorting out 60 variables authors come across final decision and demonstrate the feasibility of economic and social effectiveness of each school. Current articleopens up a new fieldin preconditions, causes and consequences of influenced education quality variables in which selected secondary schools. Authors excluded 10 variables from the research analysesof major schools due to collected data are the same results. Specific area of interestin cases ofGijduvanare distributed and analyzed in Eviews 9.0.Perhaps, paper work offers a solution for the of relationship of school quality by winning turbulence education via empirical analyses. Main findings have been distributed in forms of the least square method. An objectivity of discussion is concentrating on turbulence trajectory as a total loses of quality at schools and winning it’s directions by conceptual figure which offered by authors.The authors also made an attempt to provide reasons for raising visibility of schools through quality education by calculating efficiency in three ways.Finally, conclusion of paper suggests that each selected variable efficiency calculated in detail coefficients and presented marble model of obtained results for testing secondary school quality of other regions in Uzbekistan.





