Stigmatization Pesantren Radicalism-Terrorism: An Analysis of Curriculum Supervision Dysfunction


  • Suliswiyadi ‎
  • Supawi Pawenang
  • Imron ‎
  • Ahmad Tantowi


This study aims to determine the activities of educational supervision functions carried out by pesantrens, in the analysis of the curriculum supervision function. This study used a qualitative method, the study location was chosen for 10 pesantren, which were in the Central Java and DI Yogyakarta regions. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, documentation studies. The data analysis technique consists of data reduction flow, data presentation flow, conclusion drawing flow. The validity technique of the data in the study was carried out based on four criteria, namely; the degree of trust, transferability, and certainty using techniques, including; extend the presence of researchers, persistence of observation, peer examination, negative case analysis, rechecking, and triangulation. The results of the study concluded that: The act of supervising the pesantren curriculum, all pesantrens took independent supervision. Educatively, 49% are supervised by pesantren. Curricular, only 58% is supervised by pesantren. Supervision of the guidance function, 58% is supervised by pesantren. Administratively, only 58% is supervised by pesantren. Supervision of pesantren services, 64% is supervised by pesantren. Pesantrens with a high intensity of religious learning will shape the attitudes and perspectives of high santri about Islam. When combined with santri exclusivity and the lack of external culture that can be accepted by the santri, it will shape the Islamic attitude about santri (Ashabiyah) fanaticism. This Islamic fanaticism assumes that Islam is a religion that they must fight for and must spread in people's lives. The struggle to spread Islam is done by all means and risks that must be borne. This is the emergence of a radical attitude from pesantren students.





