Empirical Investigation of Adaptation to Future Changes and Product Innovation Capabilities on the Marketing Performance


  • Sudarwati ‎
  • Wisnu Untoro
  • Ahmad Ikhwan Setiawan
  • Intan Novela Qurrotul Aini


This study aims is to know the influence of product innovation capability on performance marketing through the mediation of adaptation to the future change. On this model there are several supporting variable, i.e. accessibility of new technologies and resource exploration products. In this study used a sample of 202 UMKM Batik Solo Raya, the sampling technique using simple random sampling technique. Testing data analysis using PLS (Partial Least Square) with the software WarpPLS 5.0. The findings in this study are aksesbilitas new technology a positive and significant effect against the ability of innovation of products. The power of positive exploration of influential products and significantly to the ability of innovation of products. The ability of product innovation, positive and significant effect on performance marketing. Adaptation to future changes aren't able to moderate the relationship between ability of product innovation and performance marketing. Limitations of this research this research respondents are owners or managers of UMKM batik mostly perform tasks as managers and employees so very busy.





