Organizational Change and Employee Job Satisfaction in Tourism Sector
Change is a term that can bring too much fear to someone, while others welcome it to the expectation that things will become more better. Not accepting change may put organizations and individuals in becoming redundant which may endanger their future. Today change is the most constant phenomenon. Change in the context of all kinds of the environment is happening continuously. Today, the business environment has become a complex integration of various factors ranging from economy to demographic; social to the environment; technology to new business models, etc. Such forces have a great impact on the functioning of the organizations. Corporate restructuring, economic climate, downsizing the workforces are leading towards bringing changes in the organizational setup.
This entire situation makes management of organizational change an important part of management roles. A manager, who is in charge of change management, should understand what are the different types of stress associated with the change process and they should try to reduce these stress among employees.
The efficacy of employees’ performance in the tourism industry depends importantly on the perceived job satisfaction that they get from the services. In the last ten years, the Tourism industry has gone through extensive changes, Transformation, consolidation, outsourcing, etc. With the emergence of new technologies and Artificial Intelligence, the question still stands: "How such a change would be successfully adopted by the tourism industry? Thus making this the most promising topic for researchers to study. This research is based on Primary research conducted on the employees belonging to the tourism industry of the Delhi-National Capital Region (NCR). The study shows that the impact of organizational change on job satisfaction of employees is significant.