ID-based Public Audit Protocol to Check Data Integrity with Privacy Preservation


  • Arjun U
  • Vinay S.


with the advance and huge development in the cloud services, Cloud Storage service gives the huge storage where we can store the local data remotely with the minimum computing power and limited storage as we delete the locally present data. However, Cloud Service provider (CSP) may cause damage or make unauthorized alterations to the data for benefits. For this purpose, the cloud user must periodically check the integrity of remote data. Public auditing method used for the cloud data integrity verification on behalf of the user. ID-based public auditing protocol (IDPA) for cloud data integrity verification is proposed. Even existing methods can not protect the privacy of the user, as the third party auditor obtains data from the user when auditing.. In this paper, we propose a IDPA for data integrity verification, privacy preserving and effective batch verification. Furthermore we compare our proposed protocol with other IDPA methods.





