Energy-Efficient Routing to Enhance Network Lifetime in Wireless Sensor Network: A Review


  • P.Suman Prakash
  • R. Anil Kumar
  • D. Kavitha


Over the past decade, the progress of low-cost sensors has made Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) a very popular research area. This network can capable to operate in insensitive environments. WSNs facing many problems as sensors once being deployed cannot be replaced and recharged. WSN nodes are typically battery-powered devices which make them limited battery power operative. It is therefore important to have an energy-efficient path that maximizes the life of these nodes using minimal energy in different paths. Traditional energy efficient routing algorithms opt for the efficient path for data communication and less energy consumption. However, using a particular path can result in additional load on a particular node, reducing its lifetime and longer service. In this paper, we will review the issues and challenges of WSN which influencing the energy-efficient routing protocols (EN-EF RP) and different kinds of energy routing protocols to investigate the minimize energy utilization and increase the lifetime and QoS in WSNs.





