High Controllability & Frequency Selective Fast Ring Oscillator Using 22nm CMOS Technology
The Integrated circuits (IC) have entered the generation of System-on-a-Chip that is hundreds of thousands of transistors could be incorporated in to one chip [1]. Some of the major parameters the designers have to concentrate while designing an integrated circuit includes energy consumption, speed, silicon region and the delay associated with the circuit. The Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductorstructures has the major advantage of providing low electricity consumption as well as lesser area and because of this reason CMOS technology is used to construct the above integrated circuits. To put in force any virtual circuit, a pair of p-kind and n- kind transistors is required. Due to numerous benefits, CMOS technology is extensively used in commercial packages [6]. On the other hand, reliability becomes one of the most important parameter which is likewise needed for designing a low energy circuit. Among the most commonly used integrated circuits, one of the widely manufactured integrated circuit is a ring oscillator which is a structure made of an uneven count of delay inverting stages and produces clock signal as the output. This paper involves designing a fast CMOS ring oscillator circuit using 14nm Predictive Technology Model in SPICE tool and to analyze the corresponding temperature effects.