The Student-Teacher Interaction in the Context of School Literacy Movement Viewed from Mood and Appraisal Analysis


  • Rama Dwika Herdiawan
  • Mursid Saleh
  • Warsono ‎
  • Djoko Sutopo


Student-teacher interacion has been the main concern in terms of improving the learning quality in the educational levels. Therefore, there must be relevant feedback that directs the teachers and students to have appropriate outcomes. This study employs Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) analysis concerning with mood and appraisal systems. The data was gathered from audiorecording which was transcribed for the purpose of interpreting as well as discussing them. The text was divided into a myriad of clauses which reflected the point of analysis in SFL. The findings revealed that based on mood analysis,  the interaction between teacher and students mostly contained declarative clsuses which represented the teacher’s instruction during the learning process. Some of them were indicated to use imperative and interrogative clauses which literally covered the teacher’s recommendation or engagement during the learning process. In terms of appraisal analysis, this contributed to the use of positive or negative  affect, engagement, judgement, and appreciation that can be seen from the way the teacher and students made meaning in the instructional process. In brief, this study provides a myriad of implications that interaction itself influences the way the teacher manage the students in different situations for the purpose of making meaning in relation to language in use viewed from SFL perspectives.





