Detection of Neurodegenerative Disease in Ageing Adults: A Systematic Review


  • Sabyasachi Chakraborty
  • Satyabrata Aich
  • Jong-Seong Sim
  • Dong-Jin Jang
  • Moon-il Joo
  • Hee-Cheol Kim


Abstract—In the present day, neurodegenerative disorders play a mammoth role in the long-termdysfunction in aging adults. The percentage of aging adults is comparatively much higher in developing countries, therefore the increase in the percentage of patients suffering from neurodegenerative disease levies a huge burden economically on the governments. Moreover, neurodegenerative diseases are mostly progressive in nature and to date, no therapies or treatments have been found which can completely eradicate the disease from the body of a person. Therefore, the primary concern that needs to be addressed right at this point in time with regard to the neurodegenerative diseases is an effective diagnosis by avoiding the error in misdiagnosis rate and proper drug delivery to the patients to control the progression which can help them lead a better life. Now with the advent of computer-aided detection, the process of diagnosis has become seamless and also offers a multitude of assistance to the physicians and the doctors. Also, for the detection of the neurodegenerative disorder there is a number of parameters and modalities that need to attend by the doctors, therefore, leveraging computer-aided detection systems for the diagnosis might help the researchers and the doctors to explore multiple dimensions and fetch a unified and weighted response. In this paper, we have discussed multiple modalities with respect to the diagnosis of neurodegenerative disease and also its progression.





