Ocean Wave Energy- A Step Towards Recharging Batteries


  • Ravi Teja Chopparapu
  • M. Bala Chennaiah
  • G. Srivalli
  • Vignesh S
  • Dileep Kumar E
  • D Vishwa Datta
  • S Kartik Raju


In the earth’s ecology the bulk energy resources are renewable energy. Some of them are solar, wind and ocean energies. Ocean energy contains merely of oceanic thermal energy, tidal and wave energies. Wave energy is mainly focused due to immense energy densities, colossal potentials and anticipations. Existing technologies cannot exploit wave energy efficiently on commercial scale. Our paper explains the experimental work over exploitation of wave energy throughout the world’s coastline. The global estimation of practical prospective is approximately 500GW based on a conversion efficiency of at least 35-40%. Wave power means the energy capture of waves on ocean surface. The device that is able to convert any wave energy into power through its capability, then it is called a Ocean Wave Energy Converter (OWEC). The principal of operation of this device is to convert vertical heave dispersion into a rotational action which generates electricity. This electrical power can be stored in batteries and also to recharge them. As the wave energy is pollution free, reliable, and incessant which reduces our dependence on fossil fuels.





