Motivational Affordances to Gamification in Workplace: A Literature Review and Proposed Framework


  • Dodi Setiawan Riatmaja
  • Mohammad Suyanto
  • Muafi ‎
  • Wisnu Prajogo


In recent decades, the field of human computer interaction has become a popular trending topic in gamification studies. The latest trend in the application of gamification in the world of work, aims to improve the incorporation of game design elements into the workplace, to increase motivation. This study found that the elements used in gamification in the world of work are still very limited, and there are no suitable criteria for use in gamification based on game elements in the world of work by examining and evaluating workers as a team in a contextual context. game environment that replicates real aspects and work environment. This study will comprehensively review related to gamification by analyzing the models and concepts of gamification in empirical research. As well as reviewing previous research and showing the gaps that occur in the literature both theoretically and empirically. This review shows an understanding of the interactions between components in the application of elements present in gamification related to work. The findings in this study will be able to provide insight in the development of further studies to make uniform use of game design in increasing motivation





