Design and Validation of Organizational Beliefs Questionnaire (OBQ) (Case Study: Cultural Organizations of Isfahan)


  • Amir Keyvanara
  • Dr. Akbar Etebarian
  • Dr. Ali Rashidpour


This study was conductedaimed at evaluating the validity and reliability of a researcher-made questionnaire on organizational beliefs.For this purpose, 50 variables in 11 organizational indicators were first identified by studying the organizational behavior literature as well as the characteristics of believers in organizations.In the first stage, the number of items was reduced to 36 variables and in the final stage to 24, using the opinions of professors and experts in the field of management, especially honorable supervisors and advisors, given the large number of questions.The variables were then correlated at 11 indicators, 6 dimensions, and 3 levels of organizational beliefs with topics including beliefs at the macro level, beliefs at the level of structures and social beliefs.Thus, the concept of organizational belief was attempted to be studied using the study levels, dimensions, indicators and variables.Accordingly, a 24-item questionnaire was developed and distributed. After the questionnaire was collected, it was found that one of the indicators was not effectively measured.Therefore, a further question was designed and the questionnaires were redistributed to the population after consultation with the supervisor. The population consisted of all employees of cultural organizations of Isfahan province out of which 275 persons were selected as sample by random sampling.After continuous follow-up and despite being busy, the sample finally answered 220 questionnaires and was analyzed.Data were processed using SPSS, Excel and AMOS software. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of sampling adequacy (KMO) in the study was 868 and, because it was close to one, the sample size was adequate for factor analysis.After securing the adequacy of the sample, the Sig. value of the Bartlett's test was calculated to be 0.000, indicating that the tool was suitable because it was less than 0.05%.Cronbach's alpha was then 0.960% for the first phase questionnaire and 0.961% for the second phase questionnaire.The questionnaire was valid because the alpha test value of the researcher-made questionnaire was much higher than 0.000.In addition, it was found that the study tool was valid using extraction of initial and extraction communalities, calculation of total variance explained, scree plot, component matrix, rotated component matrix, and sequential rotated component matrix. Finally, the study tool was validated by exploratory factor analysis (EFA) method and then, it was assured that the items were standard using the scatter plot and the normal quantile-quantile(QQ) plot.





