Optimization of lifetime Parameters of Multi-hope Wireless Sensor Network using Computational Intelligence Approach


  • Ranjit V. Bobate
  • Venkata Reddy Adama
  • Sagar R. Padhan
  • Dr. G. M. Asutkar


                Clustering and routing  approach in WSNs is assume a significant job to limit the energy utilization of sensor hubs .The power is a feature that influences the life span of remote node network . This literature proposed computational insight way to deal with improves the energy effectiveness in WSN. The general performance pointers of the structure are brought into FLC, Structure of elements of Fuzzy Logic Controller for advancement of result. Enhancement can be done utilizing using computational intelligence approach such as Particle swarm optimization streamlining (PSO) alongside fuzzy logic ,with respect to performance parameter of Multi –hope wireless sensor network (MH-WSN). Experimental result  done for  low power LEACH protocol  , FLC ,PSO and  compared with respect to different  performance parameter for above mention computational  intelligence approach  for enhance  the working life of WSN .





