Cost Optimization Methods for Computational Time and Storage Space using Compression and Crypto-Graphical Techniques for a File in the Cloud


  • S. Sandhya Rani
  • Challa Narasimham


All the transactions are digitalized today and there is an extreme need for information security to be available in efficient and effective way. Security plays a vital role in this digital world. A secure connection must be established between the sender and receiver, this paper describes through Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm. Valuable data must be kept as safe as possible in order to stay away from attacks. This can be achieved through cryptography. Reducing the amount of space to store data we can enhance security in best and cheap way. Using various symmetric and asymmetric algorithms, data security can be enhanced. There are proven results that compared to symmetric algorithms, asymmetric algorithms are the best ones due to its advanced feature like private (secret) key. This paper narrated about how effectively the space and computational time can be obtained in a cloud. This is applicable in Business Organizations, Research centers, nuclear power plants, satellites, etc.





