Off-the-shelf Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) features for Automatic Face Quality Prediction


  • Nabila Saiyed
  • Shikha Nema
  • Akanksha Joshi


Estimation of face image quality helps in correctly recognizing faces which in turn helps in many practical applications related to face. This paper presents a face quality prediction approach using Off-the-Shelf CNN features. Here we evaluated three image descriptors-binary patterns(LBP), Histogram of oriented gradients (HOG), Oriented Fast and Rotated Brief (ORB), and deep Convolution Neural Network (CNN) Networks pretrained on ImageNet-VGG19, ResNet50, and VGG Small (4 layers) for feature extraction to detect face region image quality. Furthermore, to classify extracted features, we have evaluated three classifiers, that are different from each other in their own ways (SVM, DT and MLP) For experimental analysis, we created a face quality dataset by collecting images from web and publicly available face datasets and manually labeled images under seven categories-Good and six bad quality classes (e.g. Expression, Makeup, Pose, Occlusion, Illumination and Blur). The accuracy of face image classification using VGG19 along with MLP as a classifier was the highest (i.e.98.76%) followed by ResNet50 and MLP at 98.69% of accuracy. The lowest accuracy was obtained with LBP and SVM, this shows that deep features gives a better solution.





