Increased Marketing Performance of Batik SMES through Product innovation Capability, Niche Market Mastery and Adaptation of Future Changes


  • Sudarwati ​
  • Wisnu Untoro
  • Ahmad Ikhwan Setiawan
  • Intan Novela Qurrotul Aini


The research aims to determine the influence of product innovation capabilities towards improved marketing performance, through niche market mastery’s mediation and future change adaptation. As for the antecedent product innovation capability, it is market sensing.  Data for empirical investigation is derived from samples amounting to 202 SMEs Batik in Surakarta.  The type of data used is quantitative data. The data source uses the primary data, which is through a questionnaire containing the question items for measuring the research variables. Research instruments with questionnaires containing open and closed questions, using an interval scale. Sampling techniques use purposive sampling techniques, with certain provisions.  Testing data analysis using PLS (Partial Least Square). The results showed that market sensing has a positive and significant influence on product innovation capabilities, product innovation capabilities have a positive and significant influence on niche market mastery, innovation capabilities Positive and significant product impact adaptation of future changes. And the ability of product innovation positively and significantly affects the marketing performance. This research generates useful outputs for researchers and batik entrepreneurs, which emphasize the importance of market sensing, product innovation capabilities, market niche mastery, adaptation of future changes and marketing performance. This research originality is on the research model, which is newness and has never been researched before. Where it provides empirical evidence of market sense, the ability of product innovation through market niche mediation and future change adaptation can improve marketing performance.





