Simulation Prototype of Novel Graphical Authentication and Role Based Security
Now days its trend of everything going online and the nature of cloud security is such that, the data from the unauthorized access has always been a big issue. Almost on A daily basis, online frauds, data loops, hacking are seen in the news. Thus, the nature of data insecurity pushes us to focus on developing some more innovative ways of user authentication so that it becomes more difficult for hackers to break in to the system or to break the security. The Authentication of users with bio-metric and role-based concept of security will enable us to overcome the security problems to an extent. This paper will focus on the explanation of the simulation work done for implementing the innovative concept for using the Role Based Security with the graphical organization of images along with fingerprint. The simulation is created using the Visual Studio 2010 and database-based simulation work is done using SQL Server Express edition. The simulation starts with the registration phase of the user where the registration is done through verification of the finger print and then proceeds with the selection of the pictures for the formation of the second phase, which is authentication. After the user is logged in with the proper verification, the role which was assigned at the time of the registration will form as the basis of the validation to decide whether the authorized user will have an access to the data or not. The user having an access of the data will again have to revalidate for accessing the data with some pattern generated for the validation of the authenticity for gaining access. So, this whole working of the proposed system, is shown in the simulation developed.